Ever Grateful for Your Companionship
Jodie King Smith
'94, '01 SGS

Too small. Chromosome abnormality Severely compromised. Most likely will not survive to birth.
These words swirl in my mind as I approach the oak door leading to the President’s office for my meeting with Sister Carol to discuss College business.
But business talk paused for the moment; deeply personal conversation first – the wellness of one, and another, and family first. Time – to breathe; to cry – or perhaps weep; to question, probe, calculate, and wait;
And pray;
And hope –
Hold on to Hope.
Hold Hope High.
Days, weeks, months, Sister Carol, the courageous, bold, visionary leader – embarks with me on a new journey;
Joining hands – with mine, in this world; her own, clasped toward heaven; and another – tiny fingers intertwined spiritually.
Walking the unknown, ever-forward – struggling, questioning, reflecting, waiting;
And praying;
And hoping –
Holding on to Hope;
Holding Hope high.
Then dawns a crisp, autumnal morn’ – a reedy cry pierces the operating room chaos. A new voice, fragile, yet forceful; a new spirit, tender, yet tenacious intrudes. Prayers answered – joy abounds. She is here!
Devon Hope is here –
We hold on to our Hope!
We hold our Hope high!
Boundless gratitude ensues.
Ever grateful for your companionship on the journey, Sister Carol Jean Vale.
With love always,
JKS and Family
SSJ Maxim 31: “In your greatest troubles and dangers hope with a firm confidence not that God will comfort or deliver you but that God will effect in you and through you God’s holy and loving will and live perfectly at peace with this hope.”