
Honored by Acts of Kindness and Gratitude

Carole Christ ’06 SCPS

How grateful I am for Sister Carol’s forward thinking, especially when it comes to adult higher education. Through the School of Continuing and Professional Studies, which was spearheaded by Sister Carol, I was able to achieve my educational goals while balancing the responsibilities of a full-time work schedule.

When I first met Sister Carol, I immediately felt the warmth of her smile and the sincerity in her words. She is a woman of grace and dignity, unostentatious of all her accomplishments. Sister has a way of making people comfortable in her presence. She is devoted to her calling and never judgmental but always kind and unprejudiced in all ways.

No matter how busy she is, Sister Carole makes time in her schedule to show appreciation by writing a thank you note or attending a social gathering. It has meant so much to me to receive a Christmas card each year with a personal message. I have always felt honored by these acts of kindness and gratitude.

I wish you well Sister Carol. May your retirement bring you the same joy and fulfillment as your years at Chestnut Hill College.